Friday, December 31, 2010
new shop truck
sold the f250 last week and baught this cherry 1966 camper special all original just repainted 327 automatic an power brake and steering with ac get the hell out. its anew shop truck
Monday, December 20, 2010
Get well soon!
My good friend and co-workers Pauly, crashed he truck the other night. He is pretty banged up and we are wishing him a speedy recovery!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Helmet is on EBAY
Pretty stoked to see what Ebay can bring us. Please tell your friends about this AWESOME donated helmet and let’s see if we can get a great bid!
As always , thank you for your support!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Donated helmet for sale
Big thanks to Dave for pinning the helmet for us. It is a Fulmer helmet that was donated by their sales rep, Mike, during the bike show at Stone Mountain Harley Davidson. If you are interested in this great helmet , please contact me.
We would like to thank everyone for your ongoing support.
Monday, November 29, 2010
love girls from the south
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
easyrider atlanta .
Had a great weekend at the show. It was nice to see all my out of town friends.Business was great all day. we were swamped on the lot so that really made me feel good about what we are doing .I want to apologize to all my friends from the home town that I didn't really get to hang out with all of y'all. Thanks to everyone for coming through.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Come and meet me at the Easyriders Tour in Atlanta GA
Be sure to stop by the booth, grab a Builders Manual and talk to some really nice guys that are bringing the Next Generation to your home town!
I will have the Cathy's Help bike on display, so please donate if you are able to.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
second grade inspiration
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Thanks where thanks is due
Monday, November 8, 2010
Cathy"s Help Bike Show
Want to give a big thanks for everyone that came out to the show on Saturday . Even with the bitter temps we still had a great show.Things will only grow from here . We raise over three hundred dollars for Cathy's Help and gained alot of new friends.Also need to give thanks to Stone Mountain Harley Davidson for letting us host the show .They have asked us to host their biggest show of the year next year, which they had over 90 bike in their show last year. So lets hope that all goes well with us hosting that show for them. Thanks again from all of us at Muttin Cycles and Cathy's Help you guys are the best
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Cuz I felt like it donation
Guilty Customs donation
Come out and support Cathy’s Help on November 6th!
Join us for the 12th Anniversary Party at Stone Mountain Harley Davidson! Vendors, food, LIVE music from Moby Dick(sponsored by LawBike), Bike Show, Santa Claus & more!!! All proceeds from the bike show will benefit Cathy's Help.
This is absolutely amazing to us that Stone Mountain Harley Davidson has stepped up to work with Cathy’s Help. We need your bikes and also need volunteers for the day. If you are interested, please call me @770-918-1561 Thanks!
If you can’t make the event, please remember that you can donate here.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thank you Licks Cycles
Big props need to go out to Licks Cycles! Since coming home from Daytona, we are in the process of getting the motorcycle back to tip top shape. One of the biggest issues to deal with was the headlight so we reached out to our friends at Licks for help. Todd and AJ are spot on guys that work their butts off for their company. They have sent in this beautiful headlight for the bike as a donation.
To get help, just by cross promoting is huge. We are forever grateful.
If you are looking for quality motorcycle parts with great customer service, please check them out!
Up next the seat!
Just A Update
I spoke to Jeremy this am and he wants you to know that right now, all of the donations have been deposited in the Cathy’s Help bank account. We are in the process of creating a Going for the Goal for the side panel so you can watch Cathy’s Help progress.
Jeremy appreciates your kind words and support.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Thanks for the donation
The shop has been insanely busy and Jeremy just called in. He was to confirm that someone donated $40.00 to Cathy’s Help! He would like you to know that he appreciates the donation!
Join us tomorrow at Hell on Wheels
Be sure to stop by the booth and see the bike. She was run over in Daytona so we are still in the process of getting her back up and running.
We appreciate your help and support!
To see more on the Hell on Wheels event, please go here
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thank you Jay Allen and the Broken Spoke Crowd
While we were at the Broken Spoke Saloon on Thursday for Limpnickie Lot/ Cycle Source night, the all –around great guy ,Jay Allen called me up to the stage. I didn’t know what he wanted but I was absolutely floored with the outcome. He had me explain Cathy's Help and introduce the bike to the massive crowd. Jay then handed me $100 from him, then Jeremy from S&S Cycles hits him with a $100.00 . Heading off stage ,a spokesperson from MOJO energy drink shows up and donates another $100.00. I was baffled, yet amazed and proceed to walk off stage only to be surrounded by people in the crowd handing me donations and well wishes. I still can’t believe this has happened and realized that we received $400.00 from the one night.
I would like to thank Jay Allen for his time and kindness. A big thank you to Mojo , but most of all everyone that reached into their pockets to help me. I know how hard it is for everyone and to see such a great display of mankind, will forever be in my heart. Please know that we will show who will receive the donations here real soon.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Big Thanks to Keith Ball….
…….for covering Cathy’s Help on this week’s Thursday news on! We could say thanks a million times over!
Be sure to check out the website, his blog is killer and there are new techs weekly. Don’t forget about the feature articles, you could spend hours on this site alone
Keith, you rock!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Heading to Daytona?
Once again we will be setting up shop at the Stone Edge Skatepark in South Daytona. Please join me along with Bob and Brian with French Kiss Customs, Athena with Vagabond Choppers, Tom with Nash Motorcycles, Steve with Mt Customs and Chris with Cycle Source Magazine during Biketoberfest.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
willies tropical tattoo show
Thursday, September 30, 2010
cannonball run at wheels trough time
In these pictures you will see how busy the shop was. Matt Olsen was the main object . What a geat guy he is man make me jealous . I wish I could be that nice on a good day .
Thursday, September 16, 2010
new donation tuesday
Friday, September 10, 2010
harley dealer show?
Monday, August 30, 2010
1992 fxr for sale 6500
Friday, August 27, 2010
new baby is born
Thursday, August 26, 2010
the baby
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Tonight on Garage 71

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
At the lot
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thanks Street Chopper
for helping us spread the word about Sturgis! really happy to see the bike getting some press.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
My Bike is heading to Strugis
Big thanks to Steve at MT Customs for carrying the bike to Sturgis. I won’t be there as Nicole is almost ready to have the baby. Too close to fly, we don’t want to chance anything. I am blessed to have friends in the Limpnickie Lot that are showcasing the bike to shine some light on Cathy’s Help. Be sure to stop by the broken Spoke campground and give what you can. Brian and I will get the donation into the right hands. The Limpnickie Lot rules!
Here is the release that went out yesterday!
Throughout the 2010 season the Limpnickie Lot has adopted a new practice under the direction of Lisa Ballard called the "Limpnickie Lot Footprint" in order to give something back to each community they visit. These included pizza and skateboarding with Boys and Girls club Kids, food drives for local communities and several other interactions and we are pleased to announce the next step in this action. This year in Sturgis, there will be many footprints left behind from the Limpnickie Lot. Athena" Chickie" Vagabond will be working side by side with three high school bike builders, which happen to be all girls. They competed through assay to win this once in a life time opportunity. The bike will be raffled off at the Broken Spoke Saloon downtown location. Be sure to stop by and support this great cause.
Head on out to the Broken Spoke Campground to meet the Limpnickie Lot builders take a hot lap around the Ol' Fashion Raceway or even give the new "Johnny Chop" Hill Climb a shot. After all of the fun and excitement, come by the Limpnickie Lot trailer. We will have two special bikes on display from our members, Jeremy Johnson of Muttin Cycles and Brian Elliott, of Black Sunshine Customs. Each builder has faced some challenges in their lives but has found a way to move forward..
Jeremy has founded his own organization called Cathy's Help. Cathy Johnson is the inspiration behind his motorcycle and foundation. Cathy is Jeremy Johnson's mother. She lost the fight with breast cancer in 2005. Jeremy has worked hard to find a way to help woman that are fighting breast cancer. Throughout 2010-2011 Jeremy will collect donations for his donation ride to Sturgis 2011. All the donations made to this fund will be given to individual women that are fighting breast cancer. You can see more information at
Brian and Mary Elliott's son, Brodin, was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma in January of 2003. He was just 2 years old at the time. Treatment for childhood brain tumors is extremely invasive and difficult. Brian created Black Sunshine Customs as an escape from the stresses that surrounded the illness his boy was battling. His love of the motorcycles, the metal working, and the creativity involved allowed him to stay balanced and face the daily decisions and pressures. It was the only thing he found to be his "outlet" and "break" from it all. Today, Black Sunshine Customs stands strong and despite everything, nearly 7 years later, Brodin is loving life! The Elliott's have found many ways to "give back" as a result of their experiences and support during this chapter of their lives. Even their 12 year old daughter, Myia, managed to single handedly collect and head up a Christmas toy drive that exceeded $4,000 for the pediatric oncology department of the St. Louis Children's Hospital last year. This year's efforts will be donated to the National Children's Cancer Society. More information regarding NCCS can be found at
We will be accepting donations and the proceeds will be divided and used for both causes. If you or anyone would like to donate and will not be on location for Kathy's Help, please go to
Rob Keller will be heading up a ride to the Pine Ridge Reservation to raise awareness for the Lakota people there. Each year we ride into Sturgis and pay little attention to the communities around us. The Pine Ridge Reservation is one such community and the people there are in dire straits. They face challenges from being one of the most impoverished areas in the country, water delivery issues from uranium poisoning and unemployment. While the Lot can't fix all of these issues at once, we felt that a good place to start is to introduce our people to their people.
So on August 13th The Limpnickie Lot would like to invite everyone to ride along with them as we take a tour to visit that Oglala Lakota nation at the pine ridge reservation. This 150 mile road trip from the Sturgis County line will take us on a true ride through the history of their people. We will go through Wounded Knee, the Bad Lands and finally end up on Pine Ridge for an afternoon of fun with the Kids from the reservation. There will be a ride in chopper show that will be judged by the natives. While the judging is taking place, The Lot will host a softball with the kids from the Pine Ridge Boys and Girls Club and also enjoy a good old-fashioned cookout.
So come and join us! The ride will leave the Broken Spoke at 10 AM and everyone is welcome spend some time with Generation X as we bring bike week to a small a community that will really appreciate our attention. If you have ever been one of our rides, you already know what to expect. If not, don't miss this opportunity to hang with the crew and see what they do best! That's entertainment.